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Games Based Learning

Except providing informations about autism, our community also provide some games based learning for autistic children to try it on.

Games based learning that can be undertaken to enhance the domains of autistic children in terms of:

1) Cognitive

2) Adaptive

3) Social Emotion

Games Based Learning In Terms Of Cognitive

i) Let's Identify And Match Some Shapes

  • Identifying and matching same shapes are actually a simple task using visual and motor skills designed for autistic children. 

  • Matching is also an ability to see two shapes, identify it and match it together.

  • Autistic children usually needs this simple, individualized practice to master a skill before moving on to an activity which is more complicated. 

  • Parents or educators can use this method to play with their autistic children. 

  • Let's identify and matching same shapes using Wordwall with your children or students. 

ii) Let's Play Puzzle!

  • Our community provide jigsaw puzzle for autistic children to play it.

  • Jigsaw puzzles actually are benefit to autistic children.

  • It can train autistic children to boost their memories, enhance attention span, provide endless entertainment, promote visual stimulation such as find pieces to puzzle it into the shapes given and so on. 

  • Let your autistic children to play it on!

iii) Test Your Understandings

  • Parents or educators can use quiz given below to test their autistic children's understandings on shapes by using similar objects to the shapes.

  • It is important in order for autistic children to keep their memories last.

  • Our community also provide some example of quizzes which can be taken by educators or parents to do it with their children or students.

  • Let's ask your students or children to do it!

Games Based Learning In Terms Of Adaptive

i) View 2do

This is one of the example of School Morning Routine Schedule  for autistic children made by our community.



  1. Parents can use applications View 2do to do some schedules for autistic children.​

  2. Parents can also apply the schedule in their daily life. 

  3. It is easy for autistic children to follow and learn more about daily life. 

  4. They will also know how to manage themselves according to schedules and time properly.

  5. Let's make our child schedule using View2 do using the link given below.


  • Firstly, you need to click the link below.

  • After you click the link, it will redirect you to the main page. In this page, you need to press "need account" first to register and fill in the requires information and submit. 

  • After registered, you will receive a gmail password view 2do. To open the application, you need to press the gmail (make sure to enter the password that is shared in gmail.)

  • After that, you can log in the app for editing purposes or create your own templates for schecules which are suitable for autistic children.

  • OR, you may click on our demo videos on how to register it and also tutorial on making own schedule for your autistic children! Enjoy watching it!

ii) Quizizz

  1. Parents can apply the quiz for autistic children to find out their level of knowledge in doing daily activities correctly. 

  2. In addition, parents can also apply this quiz in real life.

  3. This is the example of quiz for autism child provided by our community. 

  4. Let's do this Quizizz together!

Games Based Learning In Terms Of Social-Emotions

i) Games Based Learning In Terms Of Social

  • In order to develop a child's social, parents need to ensure that the child is self-confident and knows how to initiate conversations as well as the emotions that are highlighted to maintain a good relationship.

  • Among the ways to improve children's social by telling the story around them so that they know and make an example that can be followed.

  • Let's play kahoot with your children to know how they handle situations. 

ii) Games Based Learning In Term Of Emotion

  • Important emotions are exposed to children in order to control their emotions properly.

  • Because of that, parents should play an important role in teaching them about feelings so that they can act to control the situations well. 

  • Play games with your children so that they can recognize their emotions correctly. 

  • Let's  watch and guess with your child using RUBE EMOTIONAL VIDEO below. 

1. Apps Used To Make Infographics: Canva
2. Apps Used To Make Games Based Learning For Cognitive: Wordwall, &
3.Apps Used To Edit Picture: Paint (crop & edit pictures), gallery on phone (edit & collage)
4. Apps Used To Make Games Based Learning For Adaptive: Capcut,View 2do &Quizizz
5. Apps Used To Make Games Based Learning For Social Emotion: Kahoot, Capcut & Inshot
6. Instructional Design Model Used (ADDIE Model):

  • Analysis (Activities that can be done for autistic children according to specific domains.)

  • Design (Based on those domains, we plan and produce various games according to it.)

  • Development (Create games based learning which are suitable for autistic children using many applications like Canva, Wordwall,,, View 2do and others.)

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