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How To Diagnose Autistic Children

  • As we all know that, there are no tests for diagnosing an autistic children. These might cause many people feel panic and also overlap about autistic children as it is their first time to handle them. Also, they are not having enough experiences too. 

  • Rube Autism Community, is hereby, to help people to know more informations about diagnosing autistic children in different developments such as young children, adolescent and also adults.​

  1. Apps Used To Make Flipbook: Flipsnack

  2. Mind Map In Flipsnack: LucidChart

  3. Apps Used For Making Infographics For Diagnosing In Young Children And Other Diagnosis Instruments: Canva

  4. Instructional Design Model Used (ADDIE Model):

  • Development (Create and share related informations related to How to Diagnose Autistic Children using Flipsnack, LucidChart and also Canva.) â€‹

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